
PSD源文件 效果图素材 VI/LOGO模板 场景应用 平面设计师必备下载

  • 文件格式:PSD

Did you made a great logo and thinking about presentation @ Or you do you need a 3d text for your design@ Or do you want just to play@

3D Mock Up lets you to create unique, photorealistic 3d effects in seconds. Yes, in seconds!!! This is a Photoshop file and you never need to know any 3d software.

Just paste your design into smart object layer and go for it. Also includes 15 textures for using in 3d beveled object material. You can make it wood, stone or you can make your own texture. Also includes displacement map for distorted, broken, and wood tile effects. And there are 8 different background for perfect realism.

PSD file includes adjustment layers. So this means you can play with lights. Create your own interior or use readymade light setups.
